Monday, August 24, 2009

What I learned last week. #2

Well, I learned that good things normally come in bursts. For example after not being in a treasury for a few weeks I was, in one day, in two treasury's and a gift guide AND I got my acceptance letter for a huge juried show (Holiday Hit List) in December.

Actually, come to this of it, that good day, which was Friday sort of steamrolled into the weekend and i managed to make a box full of awesome new fascinators, found time to keep up with listing new items, my weekend sale was successful...and i even cleaned my house and got chores done.


Ok so back to what I learned.

Twitter, on a daily basis does not bring me much traffic. For example, when looking at a single day on Google Analytics it usually ranks #20 or so. However, overall when looking at a few months, it makes it to #4. So I guess Ill keep doing it.

I've also learned to keep up with that sort of thing. Meaning you should just be looking at your hits but really thinking about where your traffic is coming from so that you can stop wasting time with avenues that are only bringing in 1 hit a day or whatever.

Looking ahead I'm thinking about doing a tutorial for a craft but I am trying to decide whether i want to do a video or picture tutorial. I'm thinking videos are usually more interesting.

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

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  1. I really enjoy the concept of noting what I've learned each week...and thanks for reminding me about craft show prep for december...I guess it is all happening so fast! Have a fabulous week.
