Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have decided to put my etsy shop on vacation mode for a week. I need to catch up and figure out a better system to shipping and all that. I sure as hell can not run to the post office for international orders everyday! I also need to do my business taxes. bla.

Wish me deep breaths.

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Back to work!

So...I found out yesterday that after 8 months of looking, I was finally chosen for a full time job which I start next Tuesday.

Back to work!

What does that mean for my etsy shop, blog, twitter, etc. etc....I have no idea.

For the time being I will most likely finish the custom orders I have now and stop taking new ones, and this blog will most likely fall by the way side. I will keep my shop open and will still sell what I have I there now but who knows about new stuff going up.

I'm sure once I'm settled in the new job I will get back into making the hair pieces for fun.

Life is funny how quickly it changes.

For now, I have lots to do today.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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Monday, October 05, 2009

What I learned last week. #7

What did I learn last week?

Well life was a bit stressful last week so I guess I learned that sometimes you just need to switch gears to hold onto your sanity. Read a book, take a walk, tend your garden. Let it go.

I also learned that you should weigh one of your packages after you have the label all taped on because i'm willing to bet that they are an ounce heavier than you think.

I learned that people, in this case other crafters are so very sweet and really do want the best for you as you do for them. Thank you ladies... :)

I hope you all have a fantastic sales filled week!

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Sunday, October 04, 2009

A few things you prolly don't know about me:

I am a vegetarian. In fact I am a octo-vegetarian which means I eat eggs but no meat or dairy.

I'm kind of a nerd. I love Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, apocolypse anything, NPR and reading.

I like anything that is pumpkin pie scented or flavored.

I have 4 big tattoos and 6 total.

I love pretty much any hot beverage.

I have a plate with 6 screws in my left arm.

My favorite flower is freesia.

I don't have a favorite color.

I am 29 years old.

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Saturday, October 03, 2009

woohooo I'm Famous!

Check me out on the It Looks Good From The Front blog!

Click Here

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