Thursday, October 08, 2009

Back to work!

So...I found out yesterday that after 8 months of looking, I was finally chosen for a full time job which I start next Tuesday.

Back to work!

What does that mean for my etsy shop, blog, twitter, etc. etc....I have no idea.

For the time being I will most likely finish the custom orders I have now and stop taking new ones, and this blog will most likely fall by the way side. I will keep my shop open and will still sell what I have I there now but who knows about new stuff going up.

I'm sure once I'm settled in the new job I will get back into making the hair pieces for fun.

Life is funny how quickly it changes.

For now, I have lots to do today.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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  1. you will be missed in the full time etsy world :(

  2. Congrats on finding a job! :D

  3. I hope you'll find time to post, once in a while. So glad that you have a job! But I'll miss ya, lady! Happy Friday, and Congratulations!

  4. Congrats on finding a job! Hope you have fun!

  5. Thanks everyone! It's really a hard thing to swallow. I have been out of the job world for so long I'm sort of freaked out as to what its going to be like or how its going to change my day to day life. I know it wont be terrible just different and a little scary!
