Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ostrich Feathers ARE NOT Ethical.

Did you know that Ostrich feathers can NOT be collected ethically? The worst of the ways to obtain ostrich feathers is to hand pluck each feather one by one from the socket while the bird is alive and immobilized. Nine months later, once all the feathers have grown back, the bird goes through the process again - for their entire lives. 

Cruelty-Free feathers from other birds, like the ones I use, are picked off the ground after the birds drop them during seasonal molting which most birds do on their own. I make sure that I only buy from sellers who have happy free range birds. Most of my suppliers even post pictures of their happy birds laying around on the porch in the sun like a family dog!

Buy Cruelty Free!

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Buy Art For The Holidays!

'No sweeter gift than ART' by 10eisha

An art inspired gift guide for those who would like to feed a starving artist for the holidays!

Custom Order Example, multip...

BEAR by DIMDI Original water...

Blue Bottle Original Waterco...

The Coyote who wanted to joi...

Custom Portrait 16x20

A tree sprouted from her hea...

Robin Rainbow --- ORIGINAL d...

Horsehair Pottery Vase - Lar...

Pugg Life-mixed media print ...

Mixed Media Rustic Bird

Pair of Wood Grain Plates, G...

Beyond Eternity (Golden Meta...

Green Christmas Gift for tha...

Follow Me - 8 x 10 - Archiva...

Who knows where they grow - ...


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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Flower Girl Sets

Ive started making little flower girl hair barrette sets for offbeat weddings.

I am trying to stick with things that will possible match an offbeat bride like black & red veiling, dark colors, etc. 

What do you think?

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Monday, November 01, 2010

The creative world of 10eisha

Here is what is going on in the creative world of 10eisha:

1. I am to be in an Art show this coming weekend for my printmaking. I am very excited about this! But of course it comes with lots of matting and framing tasks, picking what to show, making labels, etc., etc. But again, I could not be more happy about this and 20% of the proceeds go to help art programs at a local high school!

Close Up of a Colograph -->

2. I landed a consignment deal with a non-local shop and I have been making a few custom pieces to send to the owner. Unfortunately I have hit a few road bumps during production such as running out of my metal tags I put on the backs and loosing a rhinestone here and there. But they are coming along!
Not one of the consignment pieces -->

3. I realized when it came time to re-order my custom stamped metal jewelry tags that I was paying WAY too much so I found an alphabet stamping set on ebay and blank discs to stamp myself...hopefully its as easy as it sounds to make them!

4. I am trying to re-vamp and update my site because it seems that magazines and such are sick of showing etsy sellers all the time so having a stand alone website/shop might set me apart from the crowd. Or so i hope :)
NOT the revamped version -->

5. My new team, offbeat etsy weddings team, has been a huge success. We won a team grant for advertising which we plan on using for and have really kept the energy up about doing press releases and all this other stuff that seems so daunting on your own.

6. I am completely out of money but have 3 fairly large custom orders on my plate so i am hoping that the completion of those will help jump start my winter season. Keeping my fingers crossed.

What has been on your creative to-do list?

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oooh good resources!

This is a great resource post from sharing a list of must haves for freelancers like affordable advertising, time management and so on.

Good stuff!


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Thursday, August 05, 2010


Ok so wedding season is kicking my ass (in a good way) but i swear to all that is holy i am going to start blogging for real again very soon.

I have all kinds of stuff to share- A new DIY tutorial that I am making for, new "i wish someone would invent this" posts, and perhaps some things i've learned about brides and customers...

Ive almost hit 500 sales in my etsy shop!

I just turned 30!

I got a dog!


Talk to you soon, i promise.

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Friday, June 04, 2010

So much radness

I was contacted yesterday for the best custom piece ever. The bide is getting married while running the rock & roll half marathon in Vegas! Her outfit is super cute and fun.

I can't wait to start on this one! Hopefully the word will spread that i like nutty custom jobs :)

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Monday, May 31, 2010


Have you heard about this vacation mode issue on Etsy?

No friggen wonder my sales/views have been down!!!

I sort of feel like they should give me a free month of fees or something....I mean, shouldn't they have sent an email out?

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

1 Step at a Time....

So it seems that my shops are finally starting to pick back up after having a slow month following my 2 week vacation mode. I have definitely been spending more money than i am making as well with all the new changes and trying to roll out new styles and such.

However, i think the initial investment phase is over and now i can start getting new stuff out there. I'm getting a tad worried that all of this might not happen fast enough and i may end up having to get a real job...again. boo.

Ive been lightly considering getting a micro loan for advertising...Just bumping my budget for my ebay ad on google adwords from $2 to $4 a day made a huge imagine what $50 a day would do. I think that is getting a bit ahead of things but you know what i mean.

I don't know i think i am just in that place of - what happens next. I had a steady flow of income, a legal small business and all that good stuff in California. Here in Georgia I have not even gotten my drivers license yet never the less registered my business.

1 step at a time I guess.

I hope you are all well!

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Friday, May 14, 2010


The new website is up!!!

Wonderfully designed by Chris at

What do you think?

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Friday, May 07, 2010

I need your help!

Ok so I am in the process of having my own e commerce site built so that I can stop paying etsy and ebay fees. To do this I need to come up with a new domain name.

What do you think of How about

I think my vote is with

What do you think?

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack!

Hello All!

Ok so, I am back to having etsy/ebay as my full time job and I will for sure start blogging again.

We just moved across the country and my supplies came today so I can open the shops back up soon.

I have a ton of new ideas, materials, and discussions to have with you all so stay tuned!

~ Teneisha ~

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