No friggen wonder my sales/views have been down!!!
I sort of feel like they should give me a free month of fees or something....I mean, shouldn't they have sent an email out?

So it seems that my shops are finally starting to pick back up after having a slow month following my 2 week vacation mode. I have definitely been spending more money than i am making as well with all the new changes and trying to roll out new styles and such.
However, i think the initial investment phase is over and now i can start getting new stuff out there. I'm getting a tad worried that all of this might not happen fast enough and i may end up having to get a real job...again. boo.
Ive been lightly considering getting a micro loan for advertising...Just bumping my budget for my ebay ad on google adwords from $2 to $4 a day made a huge imagine what $50 a day would do. I think that is getting a bit ahead of things but you know what i mean.
I don't know i think i am just in that place of - what happens next. I had a steady flow of income, a legal small business and all that good stuff in California. Here in Georgia I have not even gotten my drivers license yet never the less registered my business.
1 step at a time I guess.
I hope you are all well!
Hello All!
Ok so, I am back to having etsy/ebay as my full time job and I will for sure start blogging again.
We just moved across the country and my supplies came today so I can open the shops back up soon.
I have a ton of new ideas, materials, and discussions to have with you all so stay tuned!
~ Teneisha ~